Global Maritime Pipeline References
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- Pazflor Oil Field
- Total
- Pazflor Project: 2008-2011
- Warranty surveyor for installation of pipelines, risers, umbilicals and subsea manifolds, offshore Angola.
- Babbage Gas Field
- Rita & Babbage Project: 2008-2009
- Warranty surveyor for installation of flowline, UK Sector North Sea.
- Gaz de France Projects: 2005-2009
- Warranty surveyor for installation of numerous flowlines and umbilicals, Dutch sector North Sea.
- Viking Gas Field
- Conoco-Phillips
- Viking - Replacement Project: 2008-2009
- Warranty surveyor for installation of flowline, UK sector North Sea.
- Sequoia Gas Field
- Burullus
- Sequoia Project: 2008-2009
- Warranty surveyor for installation of pipelines, umbilicals and subsea manifolds, Egypt.
- INAgip Project: 2008
- Warranty surveyor for installation of flowlines in Adriatic Sea.
- Fateh Oil Field
- Dubai Petroleum
- Fateh O-ZB and N-B Project: 2008
- Warranty surveyor for installation of pipelines, UAE.
- M07 Gas Fields
- KCI Cirrus
- M7 Gas Project: 2008
- Warranty surveyor for installation of flowline and riser, Dutch sector North Sea.
- Umm Shaif Oil Field
- Umm Shaif Project 2008-2009
- Warranty surveyor for installation of pipelines and cables, UAE.
- Nord Stream Gas Pipeline
- Nord Stream Pipeline Project: 2007-2012
- Marine, engineering and schedule risk reviews, marine consultancy and marine warranty services for installation of two 48” pipelines from Russia to Germany through the Baltic Sea.
- West Delta Deep Marine Phase IV Project: 2007-2008
- Burullus
- Warranty surveyor for installation of pipelines, umbilicals and subsea manifolds, Egypt.
- Kelvin Gas Field
- Conoco-Phillips
- Kelvin Project: 2007
- Warranty surveyor for installation of flowline and subsea manifolds, UK sector North Sea.
- Rosetta Gas Field
- Rashpetco
- Rosetta Phase III: 2006-2008
- Warranty surveyor for installation of flowlines, umbilicals and subsea manifolds, Egypt.
- Kharg Island Oil Terminal
- Valentine
- Kharg Island Project: 2006-2007
- Warranty surveyor for installation of infield lines and export lines, Iran.
- Mimas and Tethys Gas Fields
- Conoco-Phillips
- Mimas & Tethys Project: 2006
- Warranty surveyor for installation of flowlines, UK sector North Sea.
- BBL Pipeline
- Gasunie
- BBL Project: 2006
- Warranty surveyor for installation of 36” export line from Holland to the UK.
- Bouri Oil and Gas Field
- Agip
- Bouri EADP: 2006
- Warranty surveyor for installation of flexible pipelines
- Kashagan Oil Field
- Saipem
- Kashagan Phase 1 Field Development
- Transportation analyses and sea fastening design of line pipe transportation.
- 2006
- Okwori Oil and Gas Field
- Addax
- Okwori: 2005-2007
- Warranty surveyor for installation of flexible flowlines and umbilicals, Nigeria.
- Saturn Area Gas Fields
- Conoco-Phillips Saturn & Munro Project:
- Warranty surveyor for installation of flowlines, UK sector North Sea.
- 2005
- AIOC East/West Azeri Cablelay Project 2005 Structural and naval architectural design of cable lay equipment onboard the Pacific Askari.
- Shah Deniz Gas Field
- BP
- Shah Deniz I & II Projects:
- Warranty surveyor for installation of flowlines, export lines and subsea facilities in Caspian. Feasibility study of deep water pipelay by PLBG, Caspian Sea.
- 2004 - 2008
- Kashagan Oil Field
- Kashagan Project
- Construction risk review of pipelay in very shallow water.
- 2004
- Bahr Essalam Gas Field
- Agip Project: 2003 - 2005
- Warranty surveyor for installation of export pipelines, flowlines, umbilicals and subsea facilities for Bahr Essalam, Libya.
- INAgip Project: 2003 - 2006
- Warranty surveyor for installation of flowlines and export line in Adriatic Sea.
- Dolphin Energy: 2003-2006 Warranty surveyor for installation of 36” sealines, 48” export pipeline and umbilicals, Qatar and UAE.
- Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli Oil Field
- AIOC (BP) ACG Project: 2002 - 2008
- Warranty surveyor for installation of flowlines, export lines and subsea facilities associated with six platforms in the Caspian Sea.
- Nini Oil Field
- DONG Nini & Cecilie Project: 2002 - 2003
- Warranty surveyor for installation of export pipelines to existing Siri platform, and infield flowlines.
- Caister Murdoch Gas Fields
- Conoco CMS-III Project: 2002
- Warranty surveyor for installation of infield flowlines (10”/12”) and umbilical, and subsequent trenching operations.
- Helvellyn Gas Field
- ATP Helvellyn Project: 2002
- Warranty surveyor for installation of 8” pipeline and umbilical
- Juno Gas Fields
- BG Juno Project: 2002
- Warranty surveyor for installation of 16” piggy backed infield pipelines and subsea manifolds.
- Viking Gas Field
- Conoco
- Viking Project: 2002
- Warranty surveyor for installation of 12” piggybacked infield pipeline.
- Clyde Oil Field
- Clyde Q1-B Project: 2002
- Warranty surveyor for 16” piggy-backed, trenched infield pipeline.
- Beryl Oil Field
- Mobil
- Skene Project: 2001 - 2003
- Warranty surveyor for loadout and transportation of towheads; launch, controlled depth tow and installation of two 7.5 km pipeline bundles.
- Gaz de France Project: 2001
- Warranty surveyor for conventional pipelay.
- Bruce Oil and Gas Field
- Keith Project: 2000
- Warranty surveyor for launch, controlled-depth tow and installation of a 7 km pipeline bundle.
- Clyde Oil Field
- UK
- Talisman
- Clyde Q4A Project: 2000
- Warranty surveyor for installation of 14” pipeline by Lorelay.
- Judy Joanne and Jade Gas and Condensate Fields
- UK
- Phillips
- Jade Project: 2000 - 2001
- Warranty surveyor for conventional pipelay.
- Beryl Oil Field
- UK
- Mobil
- Buckland Project: 1999
- Warranty surveyor for loadout and transportation of towheads; launch, controlled depth tow and installation of two 6 km pipeline bundles.
- British Gas ECA Project: 1999
- Inspection of pipelay barge LB-200.
- Noord Gas Transport Project: 1998
- Warranty survey for 36” pipeline installation by Semac-1.
- Terra Nova Oil Field
- Canada
- Suncor
- Terra Nova Project: 1998 - 2001
- Warranty surveyor and marine consultant for infield pipelines and associated subsea structures.
- Morpeth Oil and Gas Field
- McDermott Project: 1997
- Warranty surveyors for Morpeth Field Development, pipelay operations by DB28.
- Europe Interconnector Project: 1997
- Warranty surveyors for installation of pipeline including pipelay and trenching activities.
- Boulton Gas Field
- UK
- Conoco
- Boulton Project: 1997
- Warranty surveyors for installation of pipeline including reel pipelay and trenching activities.
- Total Project: 1997
- DP/Safety Audit of CSO Apache reference Cormorant Alpha to Alwyn NAB, 12” pipeline lay.
- Europe Interconnector Project: 1996 Risk analysis for the installation of the 48” gas interconnector pipeline from UK to Belgium.
- Haltenpipe Gas Pipeline
- Haltenpipe Project: 1996
- Safety assessment of marine operations and marine risks for Haltenpipe.
- EMC Gibraltar Crossing Project: 1995
- Assessment of risk at all work locations on Castoro Sei and Bar Protector during Gibraltar pipe crossing. Development of risk assessment tool for use by EMC.
- Britannia Gas Field
- UK
- Conoco/Chevron
- Britannia Project: 1994 - 97
- Marine consultants and warranty surveyors for the construction, launch, controlled-depth tow and offshore installation of two pipeline bundles and normal pipelay of export and infield pipelines.
- Bream Oil and Gas Field
- Australia
- Esso
- Bream & West Tuna Project: 1994 - 1996
- Warranty surveyor for launch, tow and installation of two gas pipelines (7 km and 3 km).
- Jupiter Gas Field
- Conoco
- Jupiter Project: 1994 - 1995
- Warranty surveyors for the installation of the pipeline.
- Clyde Oil Field
- UK
- Clyde Q8 Project: 1994
- Warranty surveyors for the installation of the export pipeline.
- Victor Gas Field
- UK
- Conoco
- NW Victor Project: 1993 - 1995
- Warranty surveyors for the installation of the subsea structure and pipeline.
- Europipe I Gas Pipeline
- Statoil
- Europipe Project: 1993 - 1995
- Project specific hazard analyses of contractor’s proposals and operations for installation of the Europipe.
- Zeepipe Gas Pipeline
- Statoil
- Zeepipe Project: 1992 - 1994
- Project specific hazard analyses of contractor’s proposals and operations for installation of the Zeepipe.
- Eldfisk Oil Field
- Norway
- Phillips
- Embla Project: 1992
- Marine consultants and warranty surveyor for the construction, launch, controlled-depth tow and offshore installation of the 6 km pipeline bundles.