Wheatstone LNG Terminal
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Summary Information
- Ownership: Chevron / Shell / Woodside
- Website: http://www.chevronaustralia.com/
- Location: Ashburton North, in north Western Australia
- Capacity: 8.9 million tons/annum
- Status: In operation
Technical Details
- Storage capacity:
- Constructor:
- **Bechtel:** FEED
- **GE Oil & Gas:** Supply of compression technology
- **WorleyParsons:** Construction management services
- **BAM Clough:** Design and construction of a 1.2 kilometre jetty with operations platform, a product loading platform with a single LNG and condensate load out berth, and associated piping modules and piping installation
- **CB&I:** Outside battery limits modules and associated units
- Licensor: ConocoPhillips
- August 2004 – Chevron discovered the Wheatstone gas field.
- March 2008 – Decision announced to develop the wholly owned WA-17-R and WA-253-P petroleum titles as a greenfield onshore LNG and domestic gas project.
- June 2008 – Three potential sites identified for further investigation, based on a site screening study.
- September 2008 – The environmental approval process is started
- (based on three short-listed sites).
- December 2008 – Ashburton North as the preferred site announced
- February 2009 – Environmental Scoping Document submitted
- March 2009 – Engineering and environmental studies on the Ashburton North site begun
- May 2009 – A two-train LNG development for the first phase announced
- August 2009 – Front-End Engineering and Design phase begins
- October 2009 – Local subsidiaries of Apache Corporation and Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (KUFPEC) signing deals to join the project as natural gas suppliers and 25 percent equity partners.
- 2009 – Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) sign Heads of Agreement to take 4.1 mtpa of LNG, become a 15 percent owner of the Wheatstone gas resource and an 11.25 percent owner of the gas plant.
- 2011 - Chevron Welcomes Shell to the Wheatstone Project
- 2011 - The Environmental Protection Authority recommended conditional environmental approval
- 2011 - Final federal environmental approval
- 2011 - Final Investment Decision
- 2011 - WorleyParsons is awarded a contract for construction management services
- 2011 - Groundbreaking ceremony
- 2012- Technip awarded detailed design contract for the offshore gas processing platform
- 2012 - BAM Clough Joint Venture awarded jetty contract
- 2012 - Chevron and TEPCO Sign Equity and Additional LNG Sales Agreements
- 2014 - Apache announces sale of stake to Woodside
- 2015 - Sale of Apache stake completed
- 2017 - First LNG produced
- 2018 - First LNG produced from train 2
Ongoing Projects/Project Status
- Final investment decision was made in 2011
- The project was completed in 2017
Suppliers / Customers
- Suppliers: Chevron, Apache Corporation and Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company
- Apache supplies from the Julimar Offshore Gas Field
- Chevron supplies gas from Wheatstone and Iago Gas Fields
- Customers:
- The Wheatstone partners agreed to supply TEPCO with 4.2 mtpa of LNG for up to 20 years
- Chevron, together with Apache and Kufpec, will deliver up to 0.7 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) of LNG to Kyushu Electric for up to 20 years
- 1 million tons per annum (MTPA) of LNG is to be delivered to Chubu for up to 20 years
- The partners will deliver 1 million tons per annum (MTPA) of LNG to Tohoku for up to 20 years
Other Information
- Chevron is one of the largest global players in the LNG business and a major player in Australia in particular. It is a partner in the North West Shelf LNG venture, which is an operational LNG plant. It also has interests in the Gorgon LNG Terminal, one of the world's largest LNG projects and the largest single resource project in Australia's history
- LNG Terminals Using Phillips Optimised Cascade Technology
- Project Webpage
- Bechtel Awarded FEED Contract in Australia
- Chevron Moves Wheatstone Project in Australia Closer to Commercialization
- Chevron Welcomes Shell to the Wheatstone Project
- EPA Report 1404 - Wheatstone Development - Gas processing, export facilities and infrastructure
- GE Oil & Gas Supplying Compression Equipment for Wheatstone Project in Western Australia
- Apache, Partners Sign Agreements to Sell LNG from Wheatstone to Tokyo Electric Power
- Chevron Secures Wheatstone LNG Sales Agreements with TEPCO
- Chevron Welcomes Western Australian Government Environmental Approval for Wheatstone
- Julimar/Brunello environmental approval
- Chevron and Kyushu Electric Sign Wheatstone LNG Sales Agreements
- Chevron Welcomes Australian Commonwealth Government Environmental Approval for its Wheatstone Project
- Chevron Gives Wheatstone Project Green Light
- Contract award for construction management services with Chevron Australia
- Chevron Announces Natural Gas Discoveries Offshore Western Australia
- Groundbreaking Marks Start of Wheatstone Construction
- BAM Clough Joint Venture awarded A$400 million Wheatstone LNG Project
- Chevron and Chubu Sign Wheatstone LNG Agreement
- Thiess wins Wheatstone site clearing and preparation project
- Chevron, Tohoku Sign Agreement for Wheatstone LNG
- Chevron and TEPCO Sign Equity and Additional LNG Sales Agreements
- AusGroup announces Allseas contract for Chevron-operated Wheatstone Project
- Chevron and Chubu Electric Sign Wheatstone LNG Agreements
- CB&I Announces LNG Award in Australia
- Apache Corporation announces the sale of Wheatstone and Kitimat LNG projects to Woodside Petroleum Limited
- Apache Completes Sale Of Wheatstone LNG, Provides Updated Closing Date For Previously Announced Kitimat LNG Sale
- Chevron Achieves First LNG Production at Wheatstone
- LNG production starts from Wheatstone train two