Seaway Heavy Lifting Oil And Gas References
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- Seaway Heavy Lifting Europe Oil And Gas References
- Seaway Heavy Lifting Middle East Oil And Gas References
- Mumbai High Oil Field
- India
- Larsen & Toubro
- MHN platform and living quarters platform topsides
- 2012 Q1
- East Belumut Oil Field
- Malaysia
- Newfield Malaysia
- TL Offshore
- Installation of East Belumut-A Deck and LQ module
- 2008 Q1
- Sumandak Oil and Gas Field
- Malaysia
- TL Offshore
- Petronas Carigali
- Inst. Sumandak SUPG-B MSF, modules and flare boom
- 2008 Q1
- Lukoil-Kaliningrad-morneft T & I Varenday FOIROT (Fixed Offshore Ice Resistant Offloading Terminal) Varandey, Russia 2007 Q3
- LUKOIL-KaliningradMorneft Inst. Kravtsovskoye D6 P1 Living Quarter Module/MSF and P2 Platform Baltic Sea, Russia 2003 Q3
- Lukoil-Kaliningrad-morneft Inst. Skirtpiles for Kravtsovskoye D6 Living Quarters Platform Baltic Sea, Russia 2000 Q4
- Cantarell Oil Field
- Mexico
- Constructora y Arrendadora S.A.
- Pemex
- Inst. - 4 platforms for Cantarell AKAL-GC Project
- 2000 Q1
- Chernomorneftegaz Inshore 4 jack-up drilling units Black Sea 1993 Q4
- Santa Fe Salv. Jack-up drill rig 'Al Baz.' Nigeria 1992 Q2
- Tuna Gas Field
- Egypt
- Micoperi Marine Contractors Srl. Inst.
- Petrobel
- Tuna Jacket and Foundation Piles
- 2010 Q2
- Temsah Gas Field
- Egypt
- Petrobel
- T & I Barboni-1 & Temsah-4 Topsides
- 2004 Q4
- Miskar Gas Field
- Tunisia
- British Gas
- Bechtel International Corporation Inst.
- Miskar A’ Gas Compression Module and Ancillaries
- 2004 Q1
- Temsah Gas Field
- Egypt
- Petrobel
- T & I - Barboni-1, Baltim-N & Temsah-4 Piles and Jackets
- 2004 Q1
- Temsah Gas Field
- Egypt
- IEOC Egypt Branch
- Const. Temsah-1 Deck Removal
- 2004 Q1
- Petreco Inst. Galata A’ Platform Black Sea, Bulgaria 2003 Q3
- FCC T & I Harbour Extension, including Procurement and Construction of Piles Monaco Harbour 2001 Q3
- Rosetta Gas Field
- Egypt
- Zafco
- Petrojet
- Installation of Rosetta Field Platform Jacket
- 1999 Q4
- Abu Qir Gas Fields
- Egypt
- WEPCO/Petrojet
- Saipem S.p.A.
- T & I - decks and modules for ABU QIR P1-C and P2-C gas compression platforms
- 1998 Q2
- Heera Oil Field
- India
- Punj Lloyd Ltd.
- Installation of 4 Wellhead Platforms for Heera Re-development Project
- 2008 Q1/2
- Mumbai High Oil Field
- India
- Larsen & Toubro Ltd Inst.
- NQG Process Gas Compressor Modules for ONGC NQ Complex Reconstruction Project
- 2009 Q1
- Heera Oil Field
- India
- Punj Lloyd Limited
- Installation of HI, HSC, HJ and B-134A Wellhead Platforms for Heera Redevelopment Project
- 2009 Q1
- Heera Oil Field
- India
- Punj Lloyd Limited
- Installation of HI, HSC, HJ and B-134A wellhead platforms for ONGC Heera Redevelopment Project
- 2008 Q2 & Q4
- Bassein Oil and Gas Field
- Larsen & Toubro Ltd. Inst.
- BCP-B2 Booster Compression Platform Arabian Sea
- 2007 Q4
- Tapti Gas Fields
- India
- BG Exploration & Production
- TCPP and MTA Platforms (NRPOD project)
- 2007 Q2
- Panna Oil and Gas Field
- India
- British Gas
- Installation of Panna PCE SLM (single lift module) onto PPA Platform
- 2006 Q2
- Brown & Root McDermott Fabricators Ltd. Trans. Turret for FPSO from Ardersier to El Ferrol - 1995 Q2
- Panna Oil and Gas Field
- India
- British Gas
- Clough Oil and Gas
- Installation of Panna PH, PJ and Tapti STD Platforms
- 2006 Q1
- Hazira Gas Field
- India
- Niko
- Clough Offshore
- Installation of Hazira Platform
- 2004 Q2
- Gauri Oil and Gas Field
- India
- Cairn Energy
- Installation of Gauri-A Jacket
- 2003 Q2
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