Sasref Jubail Refinery
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Summary Information
- Ownership: Saudi Aramco
- Website:
- List of Saudi Aramco Refineries
- Location: Jubail, Saudi Arabia
- Capacity: 15 million tons/annum & 305,000 bbl/day
- Nelson Complexity: 7.7
Refining Units
- Two crude distillation units.
- Vacuum distillation unit
- Hydro cracker unit
- Thermal Gas-oil Unit
- Diesel Desulphurisation - 100,000 bbl/day
- Naphtha Hydrotreater
- Visbreaker
- Aromatics Complex
Terminal Capacity
- Crude Oil:
- Refined Products:
Crude Supply
- Saudi Aramco supplies Arabian Light Crude Oil feedstock
Products Produced
- Benzene
- Fuel Oil
- Gas oil
- Kerosene
- Naphtha
- Sulphur
- Mogas components
Ongoing / Completed Projects
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Other Information
- -
- In 1981, Pertomin and Shell signed a joint agreement to establish a refinery complex.
- Construction of the refinery started in 1982
- 1984 – completion of the refinery and start-up of the first unit.
- And in 1985, completion of start-up.
- 1986 - Refinery commissioned with 262,000 bpd capacity
- 1988 – Debottlenecking from 250,000 to 305,000 barrels per day.
- In February 1989, Saudi Arabian Marketing and Refining Company (SAMAREC) took over Petromin's share.
- 1993 - Isomerisation unit commissioned
- In July 1993, Saudi Aramco took over SAMAREC's share.
- March 2010, Desiel Desulphurisation Unit was commissioned.
- 2019 - Saudi Aramco completed the purchase of Shell's stake in the refinery
- SASREF Inaugurates Ultra – Low Sulfur Diesel Unit
- Saipem Isomerisation Units
- Saipem Oxygenates for Fuel Use
- Chiyoda Crude Distillation Units
- Chiyoda Vacuum Flasher Vacuum Distillation Units
- Chiyoda Hydrocracking Units
- Chiyoda Visbreaking Units
- Chiyoda Sulfur Recovery Units
- Chiyoda Hydrogen Manufacturing Units
- Chiyoda Naphtha And Middle Distillate Hydrodesulfurization U
- Chiyoda Catalytic Reforming Units
- Saudi Aramco acquires Shell’s share of the SASREF refining joint ventur