Rijeka Refinery

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Summary Information

  • Ownership: INA (MOL)
  • Website: http://www.ina.hr/
  • List of MOL Refineries
  • Location: The oil refinery in Rijeka is located at the northern part of the Adriatic Sea, taking up 3.5 square kilometers of coastal area of Kostrena and Bakar, 12 kilometers to the south of Rijeka.
  • Capacity: 4.5 million tons/annum & 90,000 bbl/day
  • Nelson Complexity: 5.8

Refining Units

  • Atmospheric Crude Distillation
  • Vacuum Distillation
  • Fluidised Catalytic Cracker
  • Mild hydrocracking (MHC/HDS),
  • Atmospheric Gasoil Desulphurisation Unit
  • Solvent De-asphalting Unit
  • Hydrogen generation unit
  • Desulphurization plant (Claus)
  • Bitumen Blowing Unit

Terminal Capacity

  • Crude Oil:
  • Refined Products:

Crude Supply

  • The refinery processes domestic petroleum (produced by INA) in addition to the Russian oil imported through Druzhba Pipeline.
  • Crude oil can also be supplied from the Mediterranean Sea by the Adria Crude Oil Pipeline.

Products Produced

  • The production program of INA’s refineries includes: Liquefied Petroleum Gas, virgin naphtha, motor gasoline, kerosene, aviation turbine fuel, diesel fuels, fuel oil, bunkers, bitumen, coke, liquid sulphur, base oils, automotive and industrial lubricants, lubricating greases and paraffin.

Ongoing Projects

Other Information



  • 1964 - Refinery commissioned by Snamprogetti with a capacity of 22,610
  • 1980 - Bitumen Blowing Unit & Solvent De-asphalting Unit commissioned
  • 1981 - A FCC (Fluid Catalytic Cracking ) complex was completed, its capacity being one million tons per year.
  • 1994 - both Platformings were renovated, the Visbreaking was reconstructed and HDS (Hydrodesulfurization) was brought up to date.
  • 1997 - For the purpose of producing more diesel fuels with reduced sulfur content in compliance with European quality standards, the building of a new HDS/MHC (Hydrodesulfurization/Mild Hydrocracking) facility was completed.
  • 2003 - The government of Croatia announced its decision to privatize the state-owned company of INA, which included the Rijeka Refinery and Maziva Rijeka. It was decided to accept the offer of the Hungarian company MOL, whereby MOL becomes INA’s strategic partner, and owner of 25 percent plus one share of INA.
  • 2011 - The first phase of Rijeka Refinery modernization were put into operation


  2. ABB Awarded Refinery Modernisation Project
  3. Saipem Grass Roots Refineries
  4. Saipem Wax Units
  5. Saipem Atmospheric Crude Distillation Units
  6. Saipem Catalytic Reformer Units
  7. Saipem Vacuum Distillation Units
  8. Saipem Asphalt Bitumen Blowing Unit
  9. Saipem Lube Oil Units
  10. Saipem Solvent Treating Units
  11. Saipem Visbreaking Units
  12. Saipem Atmospheric Gasoil Desulphurisation
  13. Rijeka refinery modernization first phase completed