Pointe Noire Refinery
Summary Information Ownership: CORAF (Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo) Website: http://www.snpc-group.com/ Location: Pointe Noire Capacity: 1.0 million tons/annum & 21,000 bbl/day Nelson Complexity: Refining Depth: Refining Units Atmospheric Distillation, 21,000 Vacuum Distillation unit 8,000 Catalytic reformer 2,000 Distillation HCU 2,000 Distillate hydrotreater 3,500 Soaker Visbreaker, 10,000 bpd Terminal Capacity Crude Oil: Refined Products: Crude Supply Domestic Crude Products Produced - Ongoing Projects Saudi Arabia's Rawabi Holding Company plans to quadruple capacity at the CORAF refinery The expansion will take at least two years and should increase capacity at the plant to 100,000 Other Information - History 1974 - Refinery was commissioned 1976 - Refinery begines operations 1991 - S.T.P. Engineering builds visbreaker 2000 - SNPC assumed ownership of CORAF 2008 - Saudi Arabia's Rawabi Holding Company wins a 390 billion CFA franc ($868 million) contract to quadruple capacity at the CORAF refinery Relevant Links Studi Tecnologie Progetti Refining References Rawabi Holding wins Congo refinery deal STP References