Nanticoke Refinery
Summary Information
Ownership: Imperial Oil (Exxon) Website: ( List of Exxon Mobil Refineries Location: Nanticoke, Ontario, Canada Capacity: 5.1 million tons/annum & 112.000 bbl/day Nelson Complexity: Refining Depth:
Brief Description
A medium sized, medium complexity refinery Refining Units
Atmospheric Distillation, 112.000 Vacuum Distillation 47.500 Catalytic Cracking 48.500 Catalytic Reforming 33.500 Catalytic Hydrotreating: reformer feed 23.500 Catalytic Hydrotreating: Distillate; 38.000 Catalytic Hydrotreating: Naphtha; 44.000 Alkylation 11.500 Asphalt 10.500 Sulphur, 600 Terminal Capacity
Crude Oil: Refined Products:
Crude Supply
The refinery uses crude oil from West Canada and the North Sea The refinery is supplied by the Enbridge Line 11 Oil Pipeline Products Produced
The refinery produces a wide range of petroleum products including gasoline, aviation fuel, diesel, home heating fuel, heavy fuel oil, and asphalt. Ongoing Projects
- Other Information
The reversal of the Enbridge Line 9 Oil Pipeline will bring more Western Canadian crude oils to the refinery
- 1978 - Refinery commissioned
- 1989 - Imperial Oil acquired the refinery from Texaco
2009 PETROLEUM REFINERIES IN CANADA Nanticoke Refinery, Imperial Oil