Jeddah Refinery
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Summary Information
- **Also known as Jeddah Refinery**
- Ownership: Saudi Aramco
- Website:
- Location: Jiddah, Saudi Arabia
- Capacity: million tons/annum & 100,000 bbl/day
- Nelson Complexity:
- Refining Depth:
Brief Description
- A medium sized simple refinery
Refining Units
- Atmospheric Distillation
- Vacuum column - 22,000
- cat cracker - 20,000
- Catalytic reformer - 3,000
- Visbreaking Unit - 3,200
- Desulphurisation: Naphtha & Kerosene
Terminal Capacity
- Crude Oil:
- Refined Products:
Crude Supply
- Crude is supplied via vessel to the refinery's marine terminal
Products Produced
- Refinery sales are LPG, unleaded gasoline, diesel, and asphalt. In addition, the refinery exports naphtha
- -
Other Information
- Jiddah Refinery exchanges streams with adjacent Lube Oil Plant - Luberef
- 1967 - Jiddah Refinery (JR), started operations
- 1974 - Refinery capacity increased by 33,000 bpd and added Visbreaker
- 1977 - Lube Oil complex commissioned
- 2017 - The refinery was closed down
- Chiyoda Crude Distillation Units
- Chiyoda Vacuum Flasher Vacuum Distillation Units
- Chiyoda Catalytic Reforming Units
- Chiyoda Visbreaking Units
- Chiyoda Blown Asphalt (Bitumen) Units
- Chiyoda Lubricating Oil Refining Units
- Chiyoda Hydrogen Manufacturing Units
- Chiyoda Naphtha And Middle Distillate Hydrodesulfurization U
- Chiyoda H2S Removal Units With Amine
- Sauid Aramco, Refineries