British Teenager Poses Online As IS Fighter

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Ibrahim Iqbal, pictured, 15, is feared to have become an ISIS fighter after posting an image of himself holding what appears to be an AK47 on Facebook
Posing with an AK47 and pledging his allegiance to the [/news/isis/index.html Islamic State], this is the schoolboy who was feared to have fled to Syria with 11 members of his family.
Ibrahim Iqbal was 14 when he disappeared from his Bradford home last year with his brothers Junaid, 15, and Ismaeel, three, and sisters Mariya, five, and Zaynab, eight.
Their mother Sugra Dawood, now 35, took her children and went - without her husband Akhtar Iqbal - to Syria, where her jihadi brother Ahmed had been for more than a year.
Sugra was joined by her sisters Zohra Dawood, now 33, and Khadija Dawood, now 31, and their four children, making them the largest British family to flee to the war-torn country.
In June last year, factory worker Mr Iqbal made an emotional appeal to his son Junaid, saying: ‘If you watch this video, please ring me, please contact me.

I love you, all of you. Please, please come back home so we can live a normal life.'
But last night it appeared that his two eldest boys had become Islamic State fighters after pictures of them brandishing AK47 assault rifles while wearing ammunition belts surfaced online.
Ibrahim, now 15, posted pictures of himself and what appeared to be his brother Junaid, now 16, on the same Facebook account he used as a schoolboy in Bradford. 
He also posted pictures of a gun, ammunition, grenades and other weapons.
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Ibrahim also posted pictures of weapons and ammunition and urged Muslims 'to wage jihad in the UK'
This picture appears to show some of the Dawood family at the airport leaving the UK for Saudi Arabia.

Pictured are Junaid Ahmed Iqbal, Ibrahim Iqbal, Zaynab Iqbal, Ismaeel Iqbal and Mariya Iqbal
Ibrahim pledged his allegiance to IS leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi and also urged fellow Muslims in the UK to wage jihad back home.
On Friday, he posted: ‘First of all I say Alhamdulillah [praise be to God] Allah has brought me to the khilafah [Caliphate] and saved me from the oppression of the Kuffar [disbeliever].
‘Secondly, I say to all the Muslims that there is no land where you will be honoured except in the land of the khilafah and it is obligatory for every Muslim to come to the khilafah and pledge your allegiance to amir al mumineen [commander of the faithful] Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi and who ever does not the[n] he dies the death of jaahiliyah [non-Muslims]. 
From left, clockwise, Junaid Ahmed Iqbal, Ibrahim Iqbal, Ismaeel Iqbal and Zaynab Iqbal are believed to be in Syria
Last of all, if the government closes the door of migrating to the khilafah then you open the door of jihad in their land.'
Last night, he posted: ‘Nobody has an excuse to be not fighting in the path of Allah.

Physically fighting not in your mind as some stupid people say.'
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The sisters are believed to have made it to Syria despite being under police surveillance following their brother Ahmed's disappearance. 
They were originally thought to have gone on a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia, but while in Saudia Arabia they boarded flights to Istanbul in Turkey instead of returning home to Bradford.
From Istanbul it is believed they made their way across the country to the Syrian border. 
[ ] Ismaeel Iqbal and Mariya Iqbal are pictured with suitcases behind them at what was believed to be an airport before they disappeared last year
Sisters Sugra Dawood 34, Zohra Dawood, 33, and Khadija Dawood, 30, travelled to Saudi Arabia for a pilgrimage with their nine children, including (from left) Zaynab Iqbal, Ismaeel Iqbal and Mariya Iqbal
It is thought that Sugra was gradually persuaded in regular Skype calls with her younger brother Ahmed - who had been inside IS for a year - that ‘what Islamic State is standing for is right'.
She in turn seems to have signed up her younger sisters Khadija and Zohra, who fled with her children Haafiyah, eight, and Nurah, five.
Last night, Mohammed Shoaib, the husband of Khadija, who fled with their two children, Muhammad Haseeb, five, and Maryam Siddiqui, seven, condemned his nephews' actions.
The sales adviser said: ‘I have had no contact with them.

I haven't seen the pictures so I have no idea… but obviously if they've done this… I am against them. They're wrong and we condemn them.'
