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There were two primary complaints in response to the column: 1) Linking the Eagles' Wentz centric player personnel decisions so far this offseason to their marketing strategy is too great a leap to make. 2) The question's answer was self evident. It's silly to bemoan the Eagles' going out of their way to help and promote Wentz.

Cheap Jerseys free shipping SubscriptionsGo to the Subscriptions Centre to manage your:My ProfileA group that advises Veterans Affairs Minister Kent Hehr on policy issues has fired a warning shot over the Liberal government's plan to offer wounded veterans the "option" of lifetime pensions, CBC News has learned.The panel, consisting of former soldiers and advocates, says the long awaited overhaul must not be a simple redistribution of money that's already available.In the last election campaign, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberals appealed to aggrieved veterans with a promise to "re establish lifelong pensions as an option" as well as increase the value of compensation for an injury.The current system was conceived and passed in 2005 by the Liberal government of former prime minister Paul Martin and enacted and championed by the former Conservative government. It sees wounded soldiers who've lost limbs or suffered emotional trauma given a lump sum payment or the option of taking that one time, tax free award "over time."Wounded soldiers to get higher payments Liberals pledgeOttawa's manoeuvre on vets benefits called 'a betrayal'Ottawa to channel Harper era to block vets' pensionsThe policy advisory group, which has acted as Hehr's sounding board, is getting signals that the Liberals mean to simply take the lump sum award and divide it into monthly payments.In a May 12 letter, the panel warned that such a scheme "does not provide the lifetime financial security" that veterans were expecting from the Liberal campaign promise.Waiting on the detailsThe spring federal budget reiterated the pension pledge, but attached no price tag to the assurance and simply told the public to stay tuned for more details and dollar figures when a revised program would be rolled out later this year.The Liberals are expected to consider a final version of their plan over the summer.Justin Trudeau campaigned on restoring lifelong pensions for wounded veterans in the last election, but Veterans Affairs Minister Kent Hehr has been non committal on a timeline. (Paul Chiasson/Canadian Press)At the time of the budget, a senior government official speaking on background said the intention is to roll out the revised pension plan later this year and issue cheques to veterans by 2018 a year ahead of the next election call.The new plan, however, "would not seek parity with the old pension act," that pre dates the Conservative changes, the official told CBC News last spring.At the same time, the letter to Hehr expressed frustration that the advisory panel's recommendations were being ignored and "deliberately pushed down the line for further review and evaluation."Specifically, the advisers pointed to their October 2016 report, delivered to Veterans Affairs, which suggested rolling a suite of already existing benefits and entitlements, including the Exceptional Incapacity Allowance and Attendance Allowance, into "a single stream of income for life.". Cheap Jerseys free shipping

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