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The company is known for its OneTouch range of Android smartphones. Alcatel's latest mobile launch is the 1V. The smartphone was launched in September 2019. 1943 to the Present Northwestern University Press: 2013; and a special edition of the Journal of War and Culture Studies (Vol. 7, No 3, August 2014), 'Incarceration in the Second World War', edited with Juliette Pattinson and Wendy Ugolini (University of Edinburgh). In April 2014 she was an invited speaker in the LSE/Churchill Archive Cambridge Annual Churchill Debate: 'Churchill as a Political icon'.

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Les Sinnott came forward on behalf of the Legion to present the cheque to Bill McRae who accepted it on behalf of the Happy Gang Centre. Sinnott explained the funds they were able to donate came from the entire community. It was a requirement, and part of the bylaws the legion, that the funds raised during the Poppy drive could not be used for the Legion and their facilities, these funds must be used for projects that assist and benefit Veterans and their families.

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