Lufeng 13-1 and 13-2 Oil Fields
Revision as of 12:54, 9 August 2024 by Abarrelfull (talk | contribs)
Summary Information
- Operator: CNOOC
- Country: China
- Location: Eastern South China Sea
- Production start:
- Partners:
- Type: Oil / Gas
- Estimated Reserves:
- Production Volume:
- The field utilises the FSO Nan Hai Sheng Kai and a production platform
- Lufeng 13-2 is a satellite which consists of a wellhead production platform, a 12-kilometer subsea pipeline and cables
- Sofec: Internal Disconnectable Turret for the FSO
- COOEC: Wellhead Platform Upgrade
- Swiber: Subsea installations
- InterMoor:
- Project management, engineering, procurement and installation for a new buoy turret mooring system for the upgraded Nanhai Sheng Kai FSOU in LF 13-2 field; and installation of a new 8-in. flexible flowline and riser between the buoy turret mooring system and the LF 13-2 wellhead platform
- 2005 - Lufeng 13-2 came on stream
- 2011 - LF 13-2 Adjustment Project Brought on Stream