Aliaga Refinery
Summary Information
- Ownership: Tupras
- Website:
- Location: İzmir, Turkey
- Capacity: 11.0 million tons/annum & 220,000 bbl/day
- Nelson Complexity: 7,66
- Refining Depth:
Brief Description
- A large medium complexity refinery, with both FCC and hydrocracker
- The refinery has the only lube production in Turkey
Refining Units
- Atmospheric Distillation
- Vacuum Distillation Unit
- Hydrocracker
- Fluidised Catalytic Cracker
- Visbreaker
- CCR Reformer
- Diesel Desulphurisation
- Kerosene Desulphurisation
- Merox
- Solvent Deasphalter
- Base Oil Unit
- Asphalt Unit
- Sulphur Recovery Unit
Terminal Capacity
- Crude Oil:
- Refined Products:
Crude Supply
- Iranian, Russia & Saudi Crudes
Products Produced
- LPG, naphtha, gasoline, jet fuel, diesel, base oil, heating oil, fuel oil, asphalt, wax, extracts
- The FCC unit is currently being modernised
Other Information
- -
- 1972 - Commissioned with 3 million tons/year crude oil processing capacity
- 1987 - Capacity reached 10 million tons/year
- 1993 - 16,500 bpd Hydrocracker & Visbreaker commissioned
- 2022 - The FCC revamp project was launched
- Tupras Refineries
- Refinery Webpage
- [[[Saipem Hydrocracking Units]]]
- [[[Saipem LPG Treatment Units]]]
- [[[Saipem Vacuum Distillation Units]]]
- [[[Saipem Visbreaking Units]]]
- [[[Saipem Sulphur Block Units]]]